40 meters 3 element wire yagi
It is important that the elements be placed so that they are parallel to each other and orthogonal to the support cable
post 04 Dec 2024

Antenna 40 Meter Links →
4 element 14 mhz yagi for 7 MHz
This article is about how to turn a CueDee 4-element monobander for 14 MHz into an efficient duo band for 7 and 14 MHz with some ingenious handles.
2 elementi Yagi per la banda 40
Mi son deciso di scrivere delle note tecniche e costruttive della 2 elementi Yagi per la banda 40 metri home made OB2-40
Linear Loaded 40m Dipole
Here is my dipole for 40m band. It is a simple linear loaded dipole feeded with 450-Ohm openwire feedline
40 meter Phased Array
Coaxial delay lines in his two-element phased array, and some users still use delay lines with good results
This article is about how to turn a CueDee 4-element monobander for 14 MHz into an efficient duo band for 7 and 14 MHz with some ingenious handles.
Mi son deciso di scrivere delle note tecniche e costruttive della 2 elementi Yagi per la banda 40 metri home made OB2-40
Here is my dipole for 40m band. It is a simple linear loaded dipole feeded with 450-Ohm openwire feedline
Coaxial delay lines in his two-element phased array, and some users still use delay lines with good results

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map