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30 Volt Computer Power Supply Stack W5JGV
300 ohm ladder line convertable antenna
A Homebrew antenna impedance bridge, PE2ER
A Portable Station for 30 Metres, VA3R
Antan un analyseur d'antennes compact
Antenna Construction Hints
Antenna height measurement made easy, OZ2CPU
Automatic SWR and power meter, DK4SX
Build a Saltwater Dummy Load, K5LXPH
Building a Coaxial Collinear Antenna
Cobwebb revealed
CW Squeeze Keyer Input Adapter
CTHA Antenna, ZP4KFX
Digital Wattmeter with AD8307, PIC16F876, LCD Display by OZ2CPU
Duplexer 144/432mhz, I6IBE
Duplexer 144-430, IW0DTK
Economic power supply 13,8 V
Feeding the Antenna, G4ILO
Frequenzimetro digitale con PIC16F84, IK6TJG
Filtro passa basso anti TVI per hf, IK0VVG
G5RV wire antenna 10-40 Meter
Homebrew Aplifiers, W6PQL
Homemade 30 MHz 6 GHz vector network analyzer
Home Brew CW Filter, K4ICY
Homebrew pages, YC3LSB
Interfaccia per ricevitori Icom e Yaesu
Interfaccia per il collegamento di un Amplificatore Lineare
L-C meter based on pic16f84a ic
LC meter project and kit - L/C Meter IIB
Lcd 20x4 con pic16f887 come microcontrollore
La TV sul monitor del PC,I8SWZ
LC Meter con 16F84, IV3GFN
Moonbounce the Elevation bearing, PA3EXV
My homemade electronics stuff, OZ2CPU
Preamplificatore 435 Mhz GaAsFET, I6IBE
Preamplificatore di antenna 144-146 Mhz per satelliti VO-52 e OA-27
PSK31 per tutte le radio
QRP QRSS per i 630 metri, IK1HGI
Realizzazione di un caricabatterie NiMH a corrente costante, IK4CIE
Rele Coassiali Modifiche, IW0DTK
Semplice misuratore di campo, N9ZIA
Simple qrp equipment, PA2OHH
Spiral Top Loading of a Short Vertical
St.Tomass Wi-Fi Antenna
Toroidal Helical Antenna CTHA
Tasto elettrocio per la telegrafia
TRX Sequencer, IW1AU
The MFJ tuner with the motor drive attached, N3OX
Tranistorized Dip Meter, YB0AH
Trasmettitore ATV 250 mW, IW2BC
Un Decoder CW con il microprocessore PIC16F84, IK3OIL
Using Delta Matching on HF Beams, PA3HBB
Variometer Loading Coils for LP AM operation
Voice Keyer vacile da usare e da costruire
Yaesu FT-817 abilitazione alla trasmissione continua

Modif. May 24 2024

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