
End Fed Halfwave Antenna And Matching Unit

My favorite antenna for portable use is the end fed halfwave or EFHWA. I have documented some of the earlier ones I built in my pedestrian mobile pages
post 01 Mar 2024
End Fed Halfwave Antenna And Matching Unit

Antenna End Fed Links


End fed antenna lambda/2
drastically lower the impedance with a toroid FT240-43 on which we are going to wrap 14 + 2 coils of copper from 1mm

End fed 1/2 wave matching system end feed
Actual bandwith is more than 2 Mhz with VSWR better than 1:1,7 For 14 Mhz you need approx. 10 meters of wire, abt. 4,7m coax-cable 50Ohm or 300Ohm with a connector about 30cm from the shortend end

End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna & Tuner
The final device tunes a resistive load of 3-7 kilo-Ohms from 3.2 MHz to 12.6 MHz. 40 metres is covered and 30 metres too, but I lack a transceiver for it currently

HF End Fed Half Wave
The SWR is likely to be below 1:1.5 and when used as an omnidirectional vertical the low angle of radiation typically with a maximum at about 20 degrees will give good results on DX

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