
Antenna EFHW 20m-15m-10m

Attualmente utilizzo come antenna un semplice filo di 10 metri impiegando come contrappeso un filo di 5 metri buttato per terra
post 15 Feb 2024
Antenna EFHW 20m-15m-10m

Antenna End Fed Links


End fed-Halfe-wave antenna
This type of antenna has same performance as a dipole, but requires only one single mounting point, which makes this concept ideal for portabel stations. Actual bandwith is more than 2 Mhz with VSWR better than 1:1,7

End fed half wave antenna EFHWA
Un solo filo,tagliato alla 1\2 onda della frequenza desiderata,alimentato ad un'estremita'

End-Fed Monobanda
E' consigliato l'uso dei toroidi in polvere di ferro anziche' in ferrite, almeno fino a circa 200-300 watts

End Fed Half Wave Antenna Coupler
A dipole can be fed anywhere along its length. A centre feed gives around 70 ohm. A Windom type off centre fed dipole fed 38% along its length provides around a 200 ohm feed. The feed impedance at the very end of a half wave is thousands of ohms, usually somewhere between 2000 ohm to 5000 ohm

End-Fed Wire Antenna
Ho costruito questa simpatica antenna dopo aver trovato un piccolo toroide cheassomiglia parecchio al T80


Ferrite Shop Ferrite-shop on-line shop, cable clamps,toroids, cable cores, technic,ferrite material choice

Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

Pcs Electronics

Pcs Electronics RF power amplifiers-pallets archives-ABC of FM AM DAB+ DRM radio transmitters