
Monopole Antenna TFM T2FM T3FM

Terminated Folded Monopole Antenna TFM T2FM T3FM The Terminated Folded Monopole (TFM) is a derivation of the TFD, and it is usually implemented as a vertical antenna over an RF ground plane or a radial system
post 02 May 2024
Monopole Antenna TFM T2FM T3FM

Antenna Shortwave Links


Reducing noise to your antenna
You must have a good install to eliminate the most common problems

Rhombic antenna for shortwave
The rhombic antenna is a diamond-shaped antenna, suspended between 4 masts

RX con antenna a quadro con ECL82
Si tratta di un ricevitore a reazione, basato su una variante del circuito Hartley

Shielded-Loop Receiving Antenna
Shielded-Loop antennas have some nice properties that make them desirable as portable receiving antennas

SWL - Shortwave Listening
SWL or shortwave listening is the reception of public broadcast or amateur radio ham stations in the frequency range 1.8 to 30 MHz


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Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

Pcs Electronics

Pcs Electronics RF power amplifiers-pallets archives-ABC of FM AM DAB+ DRM radio transmitters