The Rechargeable Battery Cycler
The Battery Cycler is an autonomous device that will periodically discharge and recharge Nickel Cadmium Ni-Cd or Nickel-Metal-Hydride Ni-MH battery packs so that they are always fresh and ready to deliver
post 01 Jan 2022
Projects_Homebrew Links →
300 ohm ladder line convertable antenna
300 ohm twin lead and can be used through 10 meters maybe even 6 meters with an antenna tuner
QRP QRSS 10 metri
Una parabola da 60 cm Test messa a punto di trovare il Fuoco per LNB
Realizzazione di un caricabatterie NiMH a corrente costante
Dovendo ricaricare alcuni pacchi batteria che ho rifatto per un apparato portatile FT530 YAESU
Rele Coassiali Modifiche
In commercio esistono una gran quantita' di rele per il normale uso elettrico,useremo proprio questi opportunamente modificati
300 ohm twin lead and can be used through 10 meters maybe even 6 meters with an antenna tuner
Una parabola da 60 cm Test messa a punto di trovare il Fuoco per LNB
Dovendo ricaricare alcuni pacchi batteria che ho rifatto per un apparato portatile FT530 YAESU
In commercio esistono una gran quantita' di rele per il normale uso elettrico,useremo proprio questi opportunamente modificati
About Rtty mode
Audio Recording
Antennas Satellite
Amateur Television ATV
Aprs software
Band Plan Ham Radio
Capitals Europe
DX cluster software
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Italia-call-ham radio Italy provices Ham Radio Clubs Italy
EME Ham Radio Satellite
Grid Software
Ham shirts
Ham radio Magazine
Log Converter Software
Logs Search Services
Meteor scatter
Mac Ham Radio Software
Practice with the soldering
Propagation Solar Cycle
Power Supply
PMR 466Mhz
Packet Radio TNC
PSK31 software
Prefix World
Propagation prediction
Qrp low power
QSL Printing
QRSS Amateur VLF operating
Radio old Museum
Radio portal
Surplus radio
Sstv Photo
SWL Shortwave DX Radio
Telegraph Morse code
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