
Millivolmetro digitale a tre cifre

Utilizza un circuito stampato a doppia faccia della dimensione di 73,6 X 48,2mm e display ad un digit del tipo TDSL 5150
post 05 Feb 2024
Millivolmetro digitale a tre cifre

Projects_Homebrew Links


Simple electronic keyer
This circuit in figures 1a and 1b is a simple keyer which can be built

Simple Noise Generator
As a signal source I thought about noise because we knew from school that all frequencies were present

Keyer ETM-5C Elektronik
The electronics should no menus and double occupied

Building A High Voltage
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Installing long wire antenna
Installing a long wire antenna when the only best way is to attach one end to a tree


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Kits and Components

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Pcs Electronics

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