
Bolometer 10GHz

Bolometer 10GHz

When building an ATV Transmitter at 23cm, the need for a power meter for small powers arose

post 15 Sep 2024

Projects_Homebrew Links


Moonbounce the Elevation bearing
Like a lot of other homebuilder do, I decided to also use a standard actuator to perform the elevation of the array

Preamplificatore 435 Mhz GaAsFET
GaAsFET adatto alla preamplificazione dei deboli segnali satellitari

Preamplificatore di antenna 144-146 Mhz per satelliti VO-52 e OA-27
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PSK31 per tutte le radio
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My homemade electronics stuff

23cm Yagi Antenna building

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50 MHz preamp Gain 26dB with the BFG135

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30 Volt Computer Power Supply Stack

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