
Monobande antenne bazooka

The double bazooka is a single-band antenna that has similarities to the dipole and the folded dipole
post 18 Feb 2024
Monobande antenne bazooka

Antenna Bazzoka Links


Bazooka Antenne
The bazooka behaves neutral to various environmental influences and is very broadband

Bazooka Dipol
The Bazooka is a monoband dipole made using RG 58 coaxial cable, with 500 watts without further ado

Coaxial Dipole
coaxial dipole formed from two 1/4 wave shorted end stubs

Coaxial dipole antenna 128 MHz
The antenna is known as a double bazooka design and is very popular with radio amateurs who make it for 144-146mhz FM operations


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Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

Pcs Electronics

Pcs Electronics RF power amplifiers-pallets archives-ABC of FM AM DAB+ DRM radio transmitters