Double Bazooka antenna
My measurements that I used successfully: Band: Coaxial length: 30m 9.77m 2.03m 30cm longer left to vote) 40m 13.99m 2.904m 30cm longer to vote 80m 26.77m 5.41m
post 02 Mar 2024

Antenna Bazzoka Links →
10m Bazooka, WD9N
This antenna up on my 21 foot telephone pole to test it and it has 1.5:1 SWR
The Vertical Bazooka Antenna
The antenna itself is an off-center fed vertical dipole made by flipping an electrical quarter wavelength of braid back over the outside of the coax
The Little Stick Antenna for 2 Meters, VE3VDC
Very compact, only a meter tall on 2 meters no ground radials needed fairly broad bandwidth
The Broadband Double-Bazooka
The increasing interest in usingthe coaxial dipole sometimescalled the Double-Bazooka an-tenna for its questionable in-creased bandwidth is disturbing
Building a double bazooka antenna
The double bazooka is a balanced antenna it is made of coax each branch of the antenna has 2 parts, the first part consists of a quarter-wave shorted stub made of coax
This antenna up on my 21 foot telephone pole to test it and it has 1.5:1 SWR
The antenna itself is an off-center fed vertical dipole made by flipping an electrical quarter wavelength of braid back over the outside of the coax
Very compact, only a meter tall on 2 meters no ground radials needed fairly broad bandwidth
The increasing interest in usingthe coaxial dipole sometimescalled the Double-Bazooka an-tenna for its questionable in-creased bandwidth is disturbing
The double bazooka is a balanced antenna it is made of coax each branch of the antenna has 2 parts, the first part consists of a quarter-wave shorted stub made of coax