
2m-70cm Duplexers Diplexers

2m-70cm Duplexers Diplexers
    In fact, the term duplexer is wrong and we should talk about diplexer, but the first word is firmly established in our hams
post 24 Dec 2024

Antenna Duplex duplexer Links


Duplexer 144-432 MHz
Questo duplexer autocostruibile in pochi minuti , permette di operare con due antenne 144-435 separate con un rtx bibanda, facilita le operazione per il traffico satellite

Duplexer per la banda 144/430 MHz
Lo stadio VHF e' un filtro di Chebishev Passa Basso a 5 elementi con un'attenuazione di circa 50dB/ottava al di fuori della banda passante

Duplexers">Duplexers frequencies such as VHF - UHF
Duplexers really do an amazing job. They allow a transmitter and receiver that are very close in frequency to operate into the same antenna

Diplexer Low cost per 145 / 435 MHz
Collegare un'antenna bibanda 145/435 MHz

Diplexer Low cost per 145 / 435 MHz
Born from the need to connect a 145/435 MHz bib antenna with the radio equipment

Psion ham software

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