1.3-400 - 150-460 MHz Duplexer Circuit Added

1.3-400 - 150-460 MHz Duplexer Circuit Added
post 17 Sep 2024
Antenna Duplex duplexer Links →
Six-Meter Heliax Duplexer/Repeater Project
A Six Meter Duplexer designed by WB5WPA that physically consists of discarded pieces of 1-5/8" Andrews Heliax that are cut to resonate at quarter wavelength of the notch frequency
Stacking with homemade Power Splitters
The basis of the power splitters/combiners is a construction of a square tube for the outer conductor and a round tube for the inner conductor. It forms a quarterwave coaxial impedance transformer
Coaxial Cabling Lengths between the Duplexer
Any idea what length of coax I should run from the transmitter and receiver to the duplexer
Triplexer HF/50 Mhz 144 432 Mhz
Necessita' di ricevere segnali da tutte le direzioni, senza dover stare a ruotare continuamente le antenne direttive
Two Antenna Stack Match
Solves antenna matching problem with two phased antennas Provides convenient and flexible antenna switchingVacuum relays provide reliable high power operation
A Six Meter Duplexer designed by WB5WPA that physically consists of discarded pieces of 1-5/8" Andrews Heliax that are cut to resonate at quarter wavelength of the notch frequency
The basis of the power splitters/combiners is a construction of a square tube for the outer conductor and a round tube for the inner conductor. It forms a quarterwave coaxial impedance transformer
Any idea what length of coax I should run from the transmitter and receiver to the duplexer
Necessita' di ricevere segnali da tutte le direzioni, senza dover stare a ruotare continuamente le antenne direttive
Solves antenna matching problem with two phased antennas Provides convenient and flexible antenna switchingVacuum relays provide reliable high power operation