Antenne Speciali HF VHF UHF

Sono costruite o in filo di ferro dolce da 1 mm oppure con spirale di guaina di filo da freno
post 15 Oct 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
Halo una semplice antenna 144mhz
L'aereo e' formato da una striscia d'alluminio larga almeno 2 cm., lunga 96 cm., ricurva su se stessa
HB9CV for 145 mhz
Its excellent performance, practically that of a 3 elements under a smaller footprint, is worth its success. The boom is twice as fast as that of a 3-element yagi
HB9CV UHF 70 cm 435 MHz
This antenna is extremely simple to make, with common materials
High Performance Antenna Stack for 2m
Our main antenna system that is composed of two 15el. DL6WU stacked vertically has around 3 dB
L'aereo e' formato da una striscia d'alluminio larga almeno 2 cm., lunga 96 cm., ricurva su se stessa
Its excellent performance, practically that of a 3 elements under a smaller footprint, is worth its success. The boom is twice as fast as that of a 3-element yagi
This antenna is extremely simple to make, with common materials
Our main antenna system that is composed of two 15el. DL6WU stacked vertically has around 3 dB

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map