Antenna Build a 2m 8db collinear
I started to build the antenna by cutting four lengths of wire, the measurement is 38.75ins for a half wave @ 145mhz but I cut them at 39.75ins to compensate for the joints
post 03 Jun 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
2 Meter antenna cycloid dipole
The 6 and 2 meter cycloid dipoles, note the rain shield covering the rear portion of the matching sections along with the 1/2 wave coaxial cable delay line comprising the 200 ohm balun on each antenna
Yagi LFA 9 elementi per i 2 metri
Yagi lfa loop fed array per i 2m, con boom da 4.6m. l'antenna e' composta da elementi direttori e riflettori come le normali yagi
Matching transformers for 3 stacked yagi
Using three antennas often provides a good compromise between increased antenna gain
The 6 and 2 meter cycloid dipoles, note the rain shield covering the rear portion of the matching sections along with the 1/2 wave coaxial cable delay line comprising the 200 ohm balun on each antenna
Yagi lfa loop fed array per i 2m, con boom da 4.6m. l'antenna e' composta da elementi direttori e riflettori come le normali yagi
Using three antennas often provides a good compromise between increased antenna gain