A Portable Antenna for Mode B and J Satellites
The antenna is made out of 3 mm thick brazing rod, which was obtained from a local welding supply shop. This material is easy to work with and solder
post 16 Sep 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
Antenna HALO per i 70 mhz
L’alimentazione avviene mediante il sistema denominato gamma-match con il condensatore
Antenna quad 144 MHz
Versione da appartamento leggermente modificata a 6 elementi con guadagno teorico di 13 Db
Antenna HALO
A halo antenna, or halo, is a horizontally polarized, omnidirectional 1⁄2 wavelength dipole antenna, which has been bent into a loop with a small break on the side of the loop directly opposite the feed point
Antenna Yagi 1240 Mhz
Yagi for the 23 cm band drawing by DL9AQ
Antenne big-whell
Consists of three full-wave horizontal loops similar to a clover
L’alimentazione avviene mediante il sistema denominato gamma-match con il condensatore
Versione da appartamento leggermente modificata a 6 elementi con guadagno teorico di 13 Db
A halo antenna, or halo, is a horizontally polarized, omnidirectional 1⁄2 wavelength dipole antenna, which has been bent into a loop with a small break on the side of the loop directly opposite the feed point
Yagi for the 23 cm band drawing by DL9AQ
Consists of three full-wave horizontal loops similar to a clover
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62