Quadrifilar Antenna to receive 137 MHz
Creation of a four-wire antenna to receive the 137 MHz signal from NOAA meteorological satellites
post 09 Apr 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
2m/70cm Koaxialantennen
2m / 70cm station antenna with a load capacity up to 100Watt self built
Groundplane antenna for 2 meters
Omnidirectional vhf anenna grounded to remove static 7.5 DBi Gain bandwiidth more the 2 MHz at 1.5 SWR
HALO 144 Mhz
Dipolo a 1/2 richiuso a forma di cerchio,con gli estremi distanziati fra loro,e alimentato tramite gamma match
HB9CV 6 elements
When setting the antenna play along the length of the coaxial 3 mm until obtaining an ideal ROS
Helix-Pro progettare le antenne elicoidali
Le antenne Helix hanno in vantaggio di avere una banda passante utile molto ampia con relativo guadagno
2m / 70cm station antenna with a load capacity up to 100Watt self built
Omnidirectional vhf anenna grounded to remove static 7.5 DBi Gain bandwiidth more the 2 MHz at 1.5 SWR
Dipolo a 1/2 richiuso a forma di cerchio,con gli estremi distanziati fra loro,e alimentato tramite gamma match
When setting the antenna play along the length of the coaxial 3 mm until obtaining an ideal ROS
Le antenne Helix hanno in vantaggio di avere una banda passante utile molto ampia con relativo guadagno