
Magnetic Loop for the 2m band

Magnetic Loop for the 2m band

This loop copper is made of 50cm of 4mm soft tubing. The capacitor of two 1mm circular plates with about 3cm diameter torch-brazed to the loop conductor

post 04 Dec 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


5/8 vertical antenna for 2 mt
Formed by 10 turns of 1 mm copper spaced 1mm

6 Elements VHF Yagi antenna
A 6 elements VHF Yagi "homebrew" antenna designed with YAGIMAX 3, with excellent results on local and satellites contacts

70 cm vertical antenna
Stylus length 427mm, coil 5 turns, with 4 radials 163mm

900 MHz 7 Element Delight Yagi Antenna
The T-Match eeding a Balanced Dipole. A suitable 4:1 balun is used in conjunction with the T-Match to perform this function

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


Radioassistance Radioassistance E Kenwood Dealer, vendita ricetrasmittenti, antenne, parti di ricambio, elettronica

Conrad Electronic

Conrad Electronic Electronic components online shop in German and Italian