
Antenna Halo 144 Mhz

Antenna Halo 144 Mhz
    The antenna support serves as a coaxial antenna supply line
post 23 Jan 2025

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


The simplest FM antenna
The J-pole antenna, is a vertical omnidirectional transmitting antenna used in the shortwave frequency bands

ntenna HB9CV 3 elementi 402 MHz
Il guadagno di quest'antenna e' sufficiente per la caccia in fase finale

UHF Portable Yagi AntennaThis four elements Yagi for 430-440Mhz, to use it this summer in portable operation

Diamond F23 Antenna FailureProblem the Diamond F23 antenna to the top of the a small disc ceramic capacitor

2m and 70cm Colinear Flowerpot antenna
Is an end-fed half wave antenna for 2m made from nothing more than RG58 coax and 25mm PVC pipe. With the addition of some tinfoil and sticktape, it can double as a 70cm colinear

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


Radioassistance Radioassistance E Kenwood Dealer, vendita ricetrasmittenti, antenne, parti di ricambio, elettronica

Conrad Electronic

Conrad Electronic Electronic components online shop in German and Italian