Antenna for the mobile 145Mhz
Antenna squelette skeleton is neither more nor less than a QUAD antenna, except that in our case it is rectangular
post 29 Apr 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
HB9CV Antenne
I was able to set a maximum standing wave ratio of 1: 1.1 at 144.300 MHz. The HB9CV works really well.
Helix antenna for 2 metre satellite
Construction of the helix antenna is mechanically a little more difficult than a Yagi and requires a reflector behind it to function properly
J Antenne For 2m
A J antenna in fact a ZEPP antenna can be considered as a whole wave radiator with one dipole half (=1/2) folded
I was able to set a maximum standing wave ratio of 1: 1.1 at 144.300 MHz. The HB9CV works really well.
Construction of the helix antenna is mechanically a little more difficult than a Yagi and requires a reflector behind it to function properly
A J antenna in fact a ZEPP antenna can be considered as a whole wave radiator with one dipole half (=1/2) folded

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map