
2m Antenna Preamplifier Vorverstaerker

2m Antenna Preamplifier Vorverstaerker
    With a gas-fet CF300, and switchable gain between 14 and 24 dBD, Noise figure better than 0.9dB, Continuity damping better than 0.2 dB, Transmittable power 750 W PEP to 2 meters with these prinelais, Material costs about 240 DM
post 26 Dec 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


5/8 vertical antenna for 2 mt
Formed by 10 turns of 1 mm copper spaced 1mm

6 Elements VHF Yagi antenna
A 6 elements VHF Yagi "homebrew" antenna designed with YAGIMAX 3, with excellent results on local and satellites contacts

70 cm vertical antenna
Stylus length 427mm, coil 5 turns, with 4 radials 163mm

900 MHz 7 Element Delight Yagi Antenna
The T-Match eeding a Balanced Dipole. A suitable 4:1 balun is used in conjunction with the T-Match to perform this function

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


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Conrad Electronic

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