Balun 9:1 UnUn Project
known as a Magnetic Longwire Balun, it is an impedance transformer whose purpose is to feed a high impedance long wire from a 50ohm unbalanced coaxial input. With a 9:1 turns ratio, this gives 450ohm output impedance for the long wire
post 14 Mar 2024
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Come e' fatto e come funziona un balun
La piu' semplice delle soluzioni e' rappresentata dal semplice dispositivo a trasformatore
Doublet, Zepp
Twin-lead has been connected to an LDG Electronics 4: 1 Balun. The Balun immediately plug-in to the BNC connector on the back of my K1 transceever via some PL-259 / SO-239 / BNC connector adapters
Here is a 12 m long antenna with a 1:9 balun
I used an old plastic box handy for this test Balun.On the red plug is attached the plug SO239 using rivets
Long Wire Balun
I needed about 60 cm wire 1 mm to be able to have 11 turns around the iron powder core
La piu' semplice delle soluzioni e' rappresentata dal semplice dispositivo a trasformatore
Twin-lead has been connected to an LDG Electronics 4: 1 Balun. The Balun immediately plug-in to the BNC connector on the back of my K1 transceever via some PL-259 / SO-239 / BNC connector adapters
I used an old plastic box handy for this test Balun.On the red plug is attached the plug SO239 using rivets
I needed about 60 cm wire 1 mm to be able to have 11 turns around the iron powder core