Arraysolutions Baluns and RF Transformers
Transformers, balun, baluns, bal-un, Balun, Bal-un, balum, transformer, transformers, transmission line ecc...
post 03 Jun 2024
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1:1 Guanella Current BalUn
The balun is constructed from Category 5 UTP data cable and half a 180mm broadcast ferrite rod. Normally, twisted pair is about 100 ohms
1:1 HF Balun, balanced to Un-balanced
Here is the schematic of my "uthroff's Balun. I used 13 windings Windings are placed like on the schematic, 1-3-5 going ind on the top and 2-4-6 comming out of the bottom
4:1 Air core balunThe PVC pipe on hand here was 1-5/8' in diameter, so I dropped a turn or a little less just over 11 turns for each of the two wires
4:1 homebrew transformer
A 4:1 homebrew transformer. The feed-point of this type of antennas off center has an impedance of about 300 Ohms. With a 4:1 Balun transformer is possible to feed easily by using a coaxial cable of 75 Ohms 300/4=75, like RG59 or RG11
The balun is constructed from Category 5 UTP data cable and half a 180mm broadcast ferrite rod. Normally, twisted pair is about 100 ohms
Here is the schematic of my "uthroff's Balun. I used 13 windings Windings are placed like on the schematic, 1-3-5 going ind on the top and 2-4-6 comming out of the bottom
A 4:1 homebrew transformer. The feed-point of this type of antennas off center has an impedance of about 300 Ohms. With a 4:1 Balun transformer is possible to feed easily by using a coaxial cable of 75 Ohms 300/4=75, like RG59 or RG11
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62