1.1 current choke balun
A 1:1 balun It offeres a almost flat swr curve from 1 to 30 MHz
post 19 May 2024
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Balun HF 4:1
Un balun 1:4 realizzato per alimentare una windom 40 20 e 10 metri
Simple balun
With these three wires I made 18 windings around the ferrite rod
A balun using ferrite rod
so here's some tips to help you make 1:1 and 4:1 current type Baluns that will save you some cash! You need
Constructing a 6:1 RF transformer
These notes primarily relate to the construction of 4:1 Unbalanced to Unbalanced, Ruthroff voltage transformers UnUn, where one end of the windings are connected to ground
Un balun 1:4 realizzato per alimentare una windom 40 20 e 10 metri
With these three wires I made 18 windings around the ferrite rod
so here's some tips to help you make 1:1 and 4:1 current type Baluns that will save you some cash! You need
These notes primarily relate to the construction of 4:1 Unbalanced to Unbalanced, Ruthroff voltage transformers UnUn, where one end of the windings are connected to ground
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62