
Delta loop for 20m

L'elemento radiante è un triangolone di 6,7 metri per lato per un totale di 20,10 metri ed al centro della base del triangolo, realizzare un bobina fatta di 16 spire in aria - diam. 2 cm., lunga 10 cm
post 26 Feb 2024
Delta loop for 20m

Projects_Homebrew Links


Below is my old dipole
This is a good antenna!! Very well made and strong enough to last through ice storms

Bolometer 10GHz
When building an ATV Transmitter at 23cm, the need for a power meter for small powers arose

Condensatore variabile auto-costruito
La costruzione di un condensatore variabile utilizzando delle comuni basette ramate per circuiti stampati ed una lastrina d’alluminio

Construction Details for 50MHz-Yagis
The 50MHz-Yagis are designed with an impedance of 12.5 Ohm or 28 Ohm and some types with 50 Ohm impedance, the 12.5-Ohm-Yagis are designed with small bandwidth 300 KHz at highest

Controlled Impedance "Cheap" Antennas
The antennas were designed with YagiMax, tweaked in NEC, and the driven elements experimentally determined on the antenna range

Psion ham software

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Radioassistance Radioassistance E Kenwood Dealer, vendita ricetrasmittenti, antenne, parti di ricambio, elettronica


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